Saturday, December 9, 2006

Farago Kalman meets Szilvasy Edit

Last night was so much fun I thought I'd post a quick summary.

Esther showed up early, beating Kalman by five minutes. Fortunately,
Kalman brought his Hat.

The two of them surprised me and the lovely Edit, who was still in the
shower. I was picking up the place and as Esther and Kalman milled
about in the main room, Edit instructed me to fetch her various
articles of clothing from around the flat.

Farago Kalman walked into the bathroom unannounced and, thus,
introduced himself to a shocked (but good natured) Szilvasy Edit.

Dzsef arrived shortly thereafter, completing the quorum.

I already had a writing exercise planned, and so I had each guest
write his name on a slip of paper along with his best quality - the
quality s/he most loves. We put each of these papers into Kalman's

Each guest then ate a portion of the Love Cucumber. On last minute
inspiration, Edit prepared Temptation Apples with ginger and sugar.
These were apples gathered from a tree in her garden.

Each groupie selected a name from Kalman's Hat.

The assignment was to write a love letter to that person, regardless
of gender, specifically citing that person's most valued attribute.

Amazingly, each man was coupled with a woman except for me. By the luck of the draw, I selected my own name.

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